
You might have noticed that there’s a YouTube video linked on the homepage where I describe what it’ll be like for us to work together.

Alternatively, you might have found me through social media. I actively maintain profiles on YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. If you’ve found me from one of these places, welcome!

As you might be able to gather at this point, I’m making “content.” Content refers to something which is made with the intent of being consumed online – writing, images, videos, music, etc.

My intention in making content is to share the things I’ve learned at the intersections of radical politics, mental health, philosophy, media analysis, and other things. And to have some fun while doing it!

I see my therapeutic work and content work as two wings of the same plane, both piloted by the same values.

That said, there will be some key differences between these, mostly having to do with the type of relationship we have.

Parasocial Relationships

A parasocial relationship is a relationship where someone might develop a strong, one sided connection with someone else.

If you first found me through my content, we might already have a parasocial relationship. We’ll need to discuss this during our consultation to assess if it will be appropriate for me to be your therapist.

To aid us in our discussion, I made a ten point scale to assess for depth of a parasocial relationship.

A ten point scale describing parasocial relationships

For ease of reading, this is the scale: unaware of content creator -> might have heard of content creator -> heard of content creator but indifferent -> familiar with what content creator does -> developing an opinion of content creator -> seeking out content creator -> informed opinion, positive or negative associations -> strong positive or negative associations with content creator -> feeling that there might be a deep connection with content creator if they were to meet -> active intimate relationship between content creator and consumer in the mind of consumer, despite having little direct communication.

Okay! So if you found me through my content, where does your parasocial relationship with me fall on this scale?

This is not something to be ashamed of. We form attachments with people when we feel understood. And that’s why you’re here, right?

Prior to, “strong positive or negative associations,” we are probably fine, but will want to check in just in case.

When we get to, “strong positive or negative associations,” and, “feeling that there might be a deep connection,” we will want to have a more in depth conversation. We might be able to work together or maybe not.

If we are in the territory of, “active intimate relationship,” it would not be appropriate for me to be your therapist.

Therapeutic Relationships

On the other hand, if we’re in a personal therapeutic relationship, you can generally expect me to be attuned to you and your needs.

I try to keep you in mind when I’m making content, but I’m keeping other people in mind too. So you’re welcome to engage with my content, but you might have a different experience of me!

As a result, I’ll ask for you to bring anything that makes you feel strongly into our sessions and we can check in about it.