Individual Therapy

Seeking a radical therapist for individual online therapy in Pennsylvania? You’re in the right place!

If you haven’t already, make sure to check out any areas for support specific to your situation. Excited to get started? Get a feel for what it might cost and then contact me!

GRWM For a Typical Session

A typical individual session with me will be fifty minutes. I use those extra ten minutes in the hour to prepare prior to seeing you, and then to transition to the next person I’m working with.

During those fifty minutes we’ll start by checking in, then discussing either something that came up since we last spoke or an ongoing topic. We might talk about a few different topics, and the more we know each other the more I’ll start to organize these topics into themes and make connections.

We’ll regularly spend five to ten minutes with an activity such as grounding together, writing, drawing, or some other form of creativity that you like. As we near the end of a session, we’ll start to wrap up and then consolidate in the last few minutes before moving to scheduling.

This all happens after we set our intentions as I laid out on the Therapy page. Every few months and during our closure session, we’ll review our intentions.

Our Therapeutic Relationship

Since it’ll be the two of us spending so much time alone together, our relationship is the second most important element in our therapy. The most important being you, of course.

Our therapeutic relationship is important because it provides the foundation for all our other work together. The trust that we develop in our relationship will give you the strength to be honest in our process and thus also with yourself.

We will need to regularly check in about our relationship! We’re likely to pick up on any strong feelings about each other so let’s get those bad boys out in the open where we can talk about ’em. There’s no shame in it, it’s an important part of the process.

Success and Closure

Success involves you making a certain amount of progress on the areas for support we outlined in our intention setting process.

Closure involves talking about it and going our separate ways. This might be because you’re starting a new chapter and ready to take a break from therapy, or you’re moving, or (unfortunately) your financial situation changes.

I encourage a closure session, one last session to discuss our work coming to an end. Even if you’re not pleased with our process. We can both learn a lot in that closure session.

Of course you do always have the freedom to cancel our relationship, one sided, at any time. That’s your right because you’re paying me for support. If you do want to end our relationship, please let me know.